We picked out fabrics, cut, and fused.
She has never done any sewing before
so I showed her how to sew on my machine.
She took off with it and did a great job!
She sewed all the zigzag stitches around the
butterfly and to close the edges of the quilt!
She also did the orange trails below
the butterfly using a decorative stitch.
She named it Colorful Donna
because I helped her with it.
How sweet!
I loved every minute of it,
and she did too, especially the sewing.
Even my sister Sue enjoyed the process. Perhaps they'll take a likin' to it sometime in the future and pursue it. It sure would be nice to have some family interested in art quilting even if they do live all the way up in Indiana.
Or interested in art journaling.
Or mixed media.
Or, or, or!
Tootles All,
What a sweet girl she looks to be! I love what she made! Tell her good job...and how sweet that she named it after you. :)