November 26, 2011

Merry Christmas Tree

I just recently started playing with watercolors and this is my first piece. The background was created with watercolors and I free-hand drew the stylized tree with a Zig Brushable. After creating the tree, I used the same method that I recently learned in an online Letter Lab class to widen various areas of it, and create the "Merry Christmas" text. The tree and text were finished off with a bit of glitter paint and a Sharpie.

The photo really makes the glitter stand out maybe more than it does when you see it live and in person. Doesn't the term "live and in person" make it sound as if the piece is making personal appearances? Well, it certainly does not make personal appearances at this time. Should it learn to sing Christmas carols, I will see to it that it goes on a world tour!

The Letter Lab class that I took was fabulous! It was taught by Lori Vliegen and her lettering is amazing! The class definitely helped me with my lettering, and opened up an entirely new world for me that I'm very excited about! I do love text and being able to make it look pretty just increases my joy! Click here to go to Lori's blog and see her spectacular work. She also has a link to the Letter Lab class on her sidebar if anyone is interested.

As I mentioned, the picture came out a bit too glittery.  Does anybody know how to mute down the shine in a piece like this without altering the rest of it? I may have to figure that out when I have some time which is not now.

I really like Christmas trees and I'm thinking about letting this piece be my first in a series.

Merry Creating Y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Love that Lori! She's one of my daily faves. And I am so excited to meet someone else who speaks fluent Gibberish!!


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